
Sunday, January 13, 2013

CHA Plans Ruined!

For the RRR Blog Hop, scroll down. It is the post after this big pity fest!

For everyone expecting to see me this weekend at CHA...I will not be there. I became ill on Friday evening and had to leave the CHA floor around 1pm on Saturday. I tried to rest at the hotel, but by the evening I was pretty sure that I should go home. Lucky for me one of my besties was driving back to San Diego Saturday evening, so she dropped me at home.

I had thought at first it was just a migraine or that I was getting the flu - but I have symptoms of flu, food poisoning, and allergic reaction and now feel I have what I call "MSG poisoning." This has happened to me before and I think my meal on Friday night had MSG or a related product in it. I am highly allergic and sometimes I get sick for a few days before it passes out of my system.

Today I am still sick to my stomach, feel as if a giant is marching around my head wearing big boots, have chills, a rash on my torso and legs, and have some other allergy related things going on.

I am very upset to bail on my make-n-take sessions, that I did not get to see any of the show, nor connect with any friends. I also missed my Graphic 45 team dinner! I am very upset and really wish restaurants would STOP using MSG and related products! Or that I would learn which foods are most likely to include MSG!

To everyone at the show, take photos for me! Have fun! Thanks to my friends, Karen and Lori, for helping me. Huge apologies to CSW Distributors and Hampton Art Stamps for not being there to man my make-n-take stations!

If you are at CHA, make sure to stop by CSW Distributors, Hampton Art, Graphic 45, and Worldwin Paper. I am so honored to have work at all four booths this year. So part of me is there, healthy and happy, even if my body is not!


  1. Oh Gloria dear, what an awful thing! I hate that restaurants use MSG and don't bother to let people know. My mother had issues with it too and we always always had to ask. Sorry you had to miss CHA but I'm sure everyone there would rather you get better! Sending prayers for quick healing your way hon.

    Hugs xx

  2. Not the update I was hoping to see :( Take card of yourself!

  3. I'm so sorry about you being sick and I know when you look forward to something that it is really upsetting to have to miss it, feel better soon! Benadryl works best for me when I have an allergic food rash ( probably mis spelled) and MSG is a nasty product, it should be taken off the market so many get ill from it especially severe headaches, I had a friend that when she would accidently get it in food it would cause her to fall asleep on the spot. She was sick for years before they pin pointed it.

    Hugs and feel better soon, Marilou xoxo

  4. Oh nooooooooooo!!!! Take care of yourself!!

  5. Oh nooo I wish you a speedy recover. Take care of yourself.

  6. So sorry this happened, especially during CHA. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  7. OH NO! That's why I never eat out. Take care. Your health is more important

  8. I'm sorry to hear that! Hope you get better soon!

  9. Awww, Gloria! I can only imagine how awful you feel, both physically and emotionally! MSG is wicked stuff, isn't it? My daughter reacts to it the same way you do, so I understand what you're going through! There's always the next CHA. You'll be there with bells on, right? Oh, but what kind of bells and how will you alter them? haha Feel better soon!...Nancy :o)

  10. Bless your heart!!

  11. How disappointing for you, Gloria! I'm so sorry this happened. Praying for you and trusting these symptoms will leave you body. Long distance {Hugs} to you!

  12. I'm so sorry to hear this, Gloria, what a disappointment for you! I'm a fan of yours and would have loved to meet you there! The Graphic 45 booth was amazing to say the least! I was there on Sat. for a bit checking things out and was able to meet some of my DTmates and owners that I work wonderful to be with them IRL! Hopefully, I will be going back tomorrow to do some real shopping...luckily I only live about 40 mins away! Hope you're feeling better! Blessings! Kathy

  13. GLoria, I'm so sorry, I know you worked so hard! I just hope you feel better. I know you have enough going on right now. Big hugs and prayers too!

  14. Oh Gloria, I am so sorry. I know how much you were looking forward to this and how HARD you've worked! Hopefully you're feeling better by now. I know that MSG triggers migraines in me, so I can only image how much worse you feel. Get well soon, sweetie!

  15. Hoping you are feeling much better today {{{hugs}}} I know how disappointed you are but all that hard work will still help sell product and inspire people ;)

  16. I am so sorry that you got so sick during such an important time. I know what you mean about MSG, too. It seems that a decade or so ago, everyone was avoiding using it, but it is now showing up in EVERYTHING. I have been having a difficult time just buying chicken stock without it.


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