
Friday, June 07, 2013


That's right, dear Readers! I am introducing my own line of stamps! Can I get a woohoo?! This is the culmination of 7 years of hard work and I am so happy that I could burst my buttons! (Except I mostly wear funky T-shirts, which have no buttons....)

Back in the late winter, I had a discussion with Hampton Art about creating some stamps for them. They agreed and I am now licensed under Hampton Art as "Gloria Stengel Designs"! Can I get another woohoo?! 

I designed my logo, all by my own little self. I wanted to convey my all of my various styles of design with one "look." Not so easy to do! I love to use flowers and prints and ribbon, but add some metal gears or old light bulbs. I love clean lines, with lots of layers. I love grungy and shabby. I love color and print and neutrals all at once!  It's graphic, but layered. It's neat and messy at the same time. I hope my logo says all of that, and more. {grin}

My first three stamps are ready for production and will be part of the Hampton Art 2013 Holiday line! I created three wood-mount rubber stamps for Christmas. The catalog should be ready in mid-June, and then I will be able to share the actual stamp art!

I am hard at work on more designs for the summer catalog and have high hopes of having more than just the three Christmas stamps, but that means I need to GET BUSY!

For those that wish to know what type of stamps I will be creating, I am happy to let you in on the scoop! First, let's be clear...I CANNOT draw. Not a lick. Not even a stick man. You will NOT be seeing flowers or images of that sort. My "specialty" is word art, so you will be seeing lots of sentiments. I am learning Adobe Illustrator and hope that you will see some "graphics" as well. However, the bulk of my work will be sentiments and phrases.

I started creating "digital" sentiment stamps years ago as a way to always have just the right sentiment in just the right font. I have taught classes where I gave my students my pre-printed sentiment sheets. To have my stamps become actual rubber (or cling or acrylic) stamps is a DREAM COME TRUE!

I cannot wait to hold the actual stamps in my hands, and put ink on them! I will be sure to share the images with you as soon as I can! (I think the stamps will be available in some of the big chain stores as well. Can you even believe it?! I am giddy!)

Thanks to everyone who has supported me along the way, especially my family! They have had to live with me talking about this INCESSANTLY for years. A huge thanks to Kathy at Hampton Art for believing in me and helping me along the way. Thanks to Diane at Graphic 45 for giving me the introduction to Hampton Art, paving the way for this dream to come true. 

And thanks to all of you who read and comment and support me via this blog! Plus, my blog's birthday was May 31. My blog is now 7 years old! What a perfect birthday gift!!!


  1. Congrats, Gloria! Wonderful news. I was thinking it would be a paper line, but stamps are great. Who knows what is next?

  2. Congratulations! How exciting?! I can't wait to see your fabulous creations :)

  3. WOOHOO!!! Can't wait to see them in real life Gloria - no question you have earned this opportunity.I know anything you create will be a hit!!

  4. Get. Out! You go, girl! Wow, I am so impressed and so excited for you, Gloria!!

  5. So exciting Gloria, I will order some for sure!!! A girl can never have too many perfect sentiments!

  6. Congrats! Here is a WAHOO for you and a second WAHOO for being made by Hampton Arts~Love the quality of them!! I will keep my watch out for them!!

  7. Congrats Gloria and a big WAHOO for you!


  8. Congratulations Gloria!!! That is awesome!! Can't wait to see those stamps!!

  9. I am so very happy for you Gloria. It's really the last thing I expected to be honest with you but so excited for you regardless. I was wondering what you were sitting on! I can't wait to see your stamps!

  10. Congratulations Gloria!! So happy for you! Can't wait to see your stamps!!

  11. I knew it! I almost said so on the blog, but didn't want to steal your thunder! I could not be happier for you, Gloria. And, um...if you need a "beta" tester...I'm yer gal...just sayin'!!! LOL So proud of you, just thrilled, really!

  12. WhooHoo, can't wait to see what you'll be releasing! Congrats!

  13. Praise the Lord for your dream coming to life!!!!! this is so AWESOME!!!!!!!!! and i LOVE sentiments :) one can never have too many!!

    hope they carry them in my small town. oh and will you autograph one for me??? ;)

  14. Woohooo! Woohooo! That is absolutely wonderful, Gloria. I know you must be very proud, and you should be. Your work is fabulous, and I cannot wait to see/buy your stamps. A big congrats!!!

  15. Oh, how exciting!! I'm so pleased for you Gloria. I can't wait to see your stamps!!

  16. Wow a big Woohoo congratulations so happy for you, I'm really looking forward to seeing your stamps. Love your work.
    Hugs Rachael xx

  17. Well done you. Amazing to realise a dream. All down to hard work and lots of talent x

  18. Woohoo, woohoo! Such exciting news! So happy for you. Looking forward to seeing them. And another woohoo!

  19. GET outta here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    REally.... so now I have Tim Holtz and Gloria woo hoo
    GREAT JOB...
    omg I am supppppper excited for you! gosh girl...that is amazeballs

  20. So very exciting. Way to go!

  21. Woohoo!!! Congratulations, Gloria, that is awesome!!! Blessings! Kathy

  22. know me best. I am requesting a sentiment. Only one. For belated birthday wishes. Make that two. Belated graduation wishes. Ummm...three...

  23. Congratulations, Gloria! I am over the moon excited for you!!! CANNOT WAIT

  24. WooHoo! Congratulations Gloria! I look forward to seeing your new stamp line.

  25. Woohoo! Very excited for you! Love your work and cannot wait to see your designs. Best of luck on your new venture!

  26. super ginormous congrats!!!! How exciting and I LOVE sentiment stamps...wahooooo....can't wait!

  27. Congratulations to you!!!

  28. congrats, Gloria, woo hoo :)

  29. Congratulations, Gloria!! That is such exciting news.

  30. Oh Gloria congratulations to you!!! I'm sure you're stamps are going to knock our socks off. You have such an artistic eye and so glad you are sharing a piece of it with all of us.

  31. Congrats Girl! Can't wait to see what you do - I'm sure they're going to be amazing! :)

  32. Yay!!!! Congratulations on both your new line of stamps and 7 years for your blog. Way to go.

  33. Woohoo, woohoo!!! Oh my God, that's so exciting for you :) Big, big, huge congratulations!!! No one deserve it more than you! I love your card, love your sentiments - I hope I will be able to get them as well :) You are so talented, it was only a matter of time - right girl:) Can't wait to see them in real and I'm looking forward to the rest as well!! Hugs and best wishes :)

  34. Woohooo Gloria congratulations hun!!! You are living out my dream too hehe... I cannot wait to see your line of stamps!


  35. Wooooooo Hoooooooo!!!! Way to go, Rock Star!!! That is so awesome! I am super excited for you....can't wait to see the new stamps!!! Love and hugs, Angie

  36. How exciting! I can't wait to see the designs! Congrats!

  37. What fantastic news, and congratulations a thousand times over! You deserve this awesomeness!

  38. CONGRATS!!Sooo very happy for you,cann't wait to see your designs!!!

  39. Wow!!! Can't wait to see these!!! Thank you and congrats!!!!

  40. Congratulations!! [All I can do is shake my head in amazement at your fantastic time management!] How exciting for you to see your dream come true. Looking forward to seeing the actual sentiments on your stunning projects.

  41. YIPPEE!!!!!HURRAY!!!! Can you see me jumping up and down in excitement and cheering you on my sweet friend!!!! I am so super excited for you but now I have to go looking for that key to unlock my lips....hee, hee, hee!!!! Congratulations and I can't wait to see your beautiful sentiments and stamps.

  42. Congratulations Gloria that is fantastic and so very exciting news ..GO YOU ♥

  43. So that's what you've been up too!!! OMG....I am so excited for you and your new venture!!! I can not wait to see the amazing stamps!!! WaHOOOOO!!!

  44. Wonderful! I'm so happy for you! Couldn't happen to a better crafter. Your card designs are always so interesting. Glad the stamps are going to have a lot of sentiments. I don't think I could buy another flower stamp. Really need words. That'd be great!! Can't wait to see what you come up with. Blessings and many congrats!

  45. Heres a huge WHOOOHOOO from the other side of the pond Gloria. I hope we'll be able to get hold of the stamps over here in the UK when they re out. Would love to have your first set. Maybe use them on a G45 project too :-) Big congrats x Clare AKA Charliejones2686

  46. Congrats Gloria, what a wonderful time in your life

  47. Congratulations Gloris - I'm sure that your stamp designs will be well received. I, personally am always looking for some good sentiment stamps so will be one of the first customers for your work.

  48. Great news Gloria! All the very best!

  49. Love the logo- congrats it is so well deserved, can't wait to see your designs, as they make their debut!

  50. Congratulations, Gloria!! Love your work and I am so thrilled for you!! Way to go making your dream come true!!


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