Monday, October 14, 2013

At Least I Have my Sense of Humor...

Hello Readers and Blogger Peeps. I have some terrible, no good, very bad news to share with you today. Not bad news on a global scale, but bad for me personally. And as my doctor said, at least I have my sense of humor!

The short version of the story is that I have an injury to my hip and lower back that requires me to make some huge lifestyle changes, spend time recovering, and generally avoid the activities that will make the injury flare up (i.e., stay out of the studio!). 

That means I will be leaving all of my teams until further notice. I have stepped down from Couture Creations, CSW Distributors, and Really Reasonable Ribbon. I have been working on a contract-by-contract basis for Graphic 45, and I have told them that I won't be taking any new contracts for fall (which has broken my heart). I am on "holiday" from Hampton Art and WorldWin Papers.

So...the blog my not get very much love for a while. 

I have a few projects finished and some posts already scheduled. I am not abandoning the blog! And, if I am cleared by the doctor to work in my studio for a little bit here and there, you may see things from time to time as I am able. My computer time is limited to 20-30 minutes at a go right now.... {uhg}

From what the doctor is saying, I may never be able to come back at the same level or handle my current work load again. Besides needing time to heal physically, he also feels I am carrying a lot of stress....{ya think?!} I am in a lot of physical pain, but the mental pain I feel at having to hang up my designer apron (even for a little while) is almost as bad!

I appreciate all of you who have supported me these past years as I have worked to build my design "brand." I am hopeful that I will be able to continue in some manner in the future - be it in stamp design or doing small teams, or whatever windows open!

I will keep the blog updated as I can and share some projects "from the vault" as well. Look for some new things as I post items that are already "in the can." I have a blog hop coming on October 18th! Come by and visit!

May God Bless all of you! Drop me a line here or on my Facebook Fan Page! My email is on the left sidebar. Feel free to contact me. I have an ipad, and am able to sit with that and surf the 'net. {grin}


  1. Oh, I am so sad to hear this. Take care of your health it is so precious. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!

  2. Gloria we will miss you and your humor on the Couture Creations team ...look after yourself and stay in touch ♥

  3. Huge hugs and I hope you will be able to return soon and feeling much better!

  4. Sorry you haven't been feeling great!!! I hope that as you get used to not having so many dt projects, you learn to love all your new free time. Best wishes!!!!

  5. love you, sweetie! I do believe you can share from the vault occasionally and keep it active here for a loooonnnggg time ;)

  6. Oh wow, Gloria. So sorry to read this but happy that you are focusing on you and what you need. Take care of yourself, I love your work but hope you can rest and get better.

  7. I am so sorry that you have to go through this, Gloria. However, I am glad that you are choosing to focus on you for a change. My prayers are with you for a complete recovery. Pop in when you are able. I will stay in touch via FB at least. Get well, my friend.

  8. Oh Gloria! I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope time passes quickly for you and you're able to heal as best is possible. I will certainly miss your beautiful work. Please keep us up to date!

  9. Sweet girl, I will miss you but you have to take care of yourself!!!! I can't imagine what you must be going through but please know that I will be thinking of you and hope you can just pop in and say Hi now and again.

  10. So sad to hear about this news, Gloria. You have truly inspired MILLIONS of paper crafters with your beautiful work, your wit and your faith. I look forward to seeing items from your "vault" over the next few months as your work has always been spot on and just beautiful! Good luck with your recovery. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, girlfriend!

  11. So sorry to hear your news. That stinks for you. These steps you are taking will get you healthy again and that is the most important thing. Looking forward to seeing the new items as well as those from the vault. Glad to hear that you will still be connected via the iPad. You are an inspiration in the studio and in life. Take care. Hugs and prayers.

  12. Hugs my friend - it is so important to listen to your body and let it heal. I have no doubt you have a large vault of projects to keep us inspired during this time!

  13. Prayers for you my dear friend. I know what you are experiencing. I took the extra time to get closer to the Lord and just crafted when I could. I stepped down from all DTs, some of them very exclusive, like yours, and you know other decisions I've had to make. Take care of yourself first. I remember resting and just having a bunch of images stamped on a lot of paper and coloring with the ice or whatever on the back. If you need anything or any advice or just a shoulder, call me or email me. You know how to get a hold of me. Hugs and blessings to you.

  14. I am so sorry that you have this bad trouble and hope you get well very soon, regards

  15. Anonymous10:34 PM

    How very sad for you Gloria! That is a huge lifestyle change, but i'm shore that you will be strong and your sense of humor will help you with that.
    I'm a chronic pain patiƫnt, and one of my most helpfull quotes is actually in your language; it's not what they take away from you that counts, it's what you do with what you have left.
    hope you will totally recover!

  16. A big hug goes out to you my friend! Take care now and you'll be back at in no time I'm sure.

  17. This is sad...but I'm sure care, patience and treatment/rest will bring a lot of improvement and it is just a matter of time that you would feel better physically, emotionally and mentally!! best wishes and hugs

  18. I have often wondered what I would do if I couldn't create on a daily basis. While it would be bad-your health, body & soul is so much more important.
    You are such a talented lady-I'm praying God will open a new door of creativeness for you!
    Something you'd never thought of yourself and certainly something you'd never had time for before.
    Praying for inside & outside healing my friend in crafts!

  19. Oh Gloria! I am so sorry to hear your news. I cannot imagine how you must feel.

    Stick with your doctor's orders and you will get better soon. Big hug and happy thoughts sent your way..

  20. Your health should always come first. Wish you the best for a full recovery.

  21. Your health should always come first. Wish you the best for a full recovery.

  22. What sad news. It's clear that art flows through your veins, and we have benefited from your generous soul of sharing.

    Now I'm going to do something obnoxious, and make a suggestion. I have had many physical issues, especially due to my many auto-immune problems. After seeing every kind of practitioner, I was finally directed to a very fine osteopath. Hands-on osteopathy is not easy to come by, as most have become prescription writers, a much easier profession than the hands-on work. My osteopath has been able to treat people once, and eliminate back pain that has persisted for over 30 years.

    Because the number of hands-on doctors is small, they tend to know one another, and something of one another's practices. (Don't think chiropractor; osteopathy is much gentler and through, as it addresses the surrounding problems of injury as well.)

    If this is something you would like to explore, I will talk to my osteopath (William Foley in Newton, MA), and inquire about who you might see in your neck of the woods.

    Sorry about the cheek this shows, but I'm convinced the things we love contribute to our health (as well as mess it up a bit). In any event, may your trip to a more pain-free life, be short, and full of new adventures. You will be sorely missed!

  23. Take the time to rest and feel better, your fans will always be here. This card you are showing today is just beautiful!
    Be well.

  24. I will miss seeing your beautiful projects but I know you will be back!!! I will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Hugs and blessings!!

  25. I am adding you to my prayer list and hope this change will be the solution to your health problem. God bless you. Emmy

  26. You are a strong and brave personality and I'm sure this will see you through. Hope to see you back in the not too distant future, your work is inspiring and fresh. Take care x

  27. so sorry to hear about your health problem, it is so sad when doing what we love has to be slowed down by our bodies not being able to handle it, I sure hope a little rest will take away your pain.
    Your card is just lovely, such great colors and pretty papers, sweet country feel!

  28. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  29. So sorry to hear about your health problems Gloria. Bad enough not feeling good but to also have to give up the things you love to do must be very hard. I hope you feel better soon and hope to see you back here in the near future. God Bless. ox

  30. Gloria I echo everything that's been said here and I wish you a speedy recovery!

  31. Love this card. Thanks for sharing.

  32. I've not been following my blogs lately & so am delayed sending get well wishes to you. I discovered your work when you were on the G45 team. I admired your creativity & attention to detail so much that I added you to my reader. I am so sorry to hear of your pain & how it causes such a change to your lifestyle. I wish you the best & will keep you in my blog reader!


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