
Monday, November 25, 2013

Loom Knitting

Since I am not able to do much in the craft studio until my back gets better...I had to find something I could do while sitting comfortably...on the heating pad. I have been going crazy with nothing creative to keep me busy.

My son reminded me that we had some knitting looms...

I purchased these at Michael's a few years ago when my mother-in-law tried to interest the kids in crochet. That experiment did not go well...but we had a small loom that my son used to make "sweaters" and hats for his stuffed monkeys. I invested in the other looms and my MIL purchased a bunch of very wacky-colored yarn.  I think Jonah made lots of "tubes" and Laura made a very long scarf. Then all of the supplies got put in the craft closet and ignored.

Well...I decided to try my hand at making baby hats for charity, so I purchased some baby yarns (and some plain yarn to use with Mom's wacky-colored yarn) and dusted off the looms!

So far I have made a small baby blanket and a bunch of kids, baby, and newborn hats. My daughter has also made some hats. It has been fun, and it is so easy. Over the weekend I made 4-5 more hats (not shown). I have learned how to add a brim and complete a few other stitches besides the basic knit.

I am ready to learn more complicated stitches and to try a larger blanket or afghan. I purchased a few books on Amazon, so we will see how it goes. It is easy to knit and watch TV since you don't have to count for these easy hats.

I should explain that I don't know how to knit traditionally, and I have forgotten most of my crochet knowledge, plus I recently donated all of my cross stitch loom knitting is the one thing left for me to do that does not stress my back! {grin}

I will keep you posted if I manage to make an adult-sized afghan...


  1. I know I have some of these looms...look at all those projects! How fun and inspiring!

  2. You go, girlfriend! Beautiful projects and they will be put to such good use! Can't wait to see what else your talented head and hands produce! Blessings!

  3. My grandmother tried to teach me to knit and I never caught on, thank goodness for these looms. Our Coffee and Crafts does these (we have real knitters and loom knitters) for the NICU at Rex. Glad you have found something to keep your hands and creative spirit occupied :)

  4. your knitting projects are wonderful - i might have to try that if i ever can't make cards. this article which i read today made me think of you - "this is your brain on crafts" -

  5. so glad you found something crafty you can do with your back pain :)
    these are fantastic and what a wonderful cause to make hats for!!
    you can also make hats and scarfs for coat drives for families :)

  6. Nice job such cute hats! very impressive Gloria!! -I'm ready to help you with something bigger- just say when! :)

  7. Well, what do you know?! These are pretty!!! Bravo toi! And that you've made them for charity, why that makes them that much better!!!

  8. These are so sweet...and with winter coming on, little babies will need them! So glad you have found something to occupy your hours. I'm still believing that you will be able to return to the studio one of these days, but in the meantime, I'm thrilled that you are learning a new skill. Hugs!

  9. Gloria what a fabulous way to spend your time


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