
Friday, November 08, 2013

My Design Team Future...

I shared with you that I was stepping down from my design teams. I posted a "good-bye" to Couture Creations, CSW Distributors, and Really Reasonable Ribbon HERE

I have also stepped down from the Hampton Art Design Team. My term was up September 30, and I decided, considering my health issues, that I would step down. I plan to continue working on my stamp designs with Hampton, as soon as I am able. I may also create special projects for them from time to time. That door is still open. I simply cannot say a final good-bye to them!

I wanted to post a few of my Autumn-themed items that I made for HA over the past few years.

The page layout was for one of the past CHA shows.

This altered canvas contains a photo of some of my  mom's family. My mom is the child on the far left, in the overalls. To me, Thanksgiving and family go together!

It is so hard to say good-bye to Graphic 45. I have been with them since the spring of 2010. That is a long time in the design world! I have loved my time with G45 so much and am pretty upset to put my work with Graphic 45 on hold. I have been a contract designer for them for most of 2013, and again, that door is still open if I wish to take on work again. But for now, I have to step down. I simply cannot handle the tight deadlines and work load. I will be sharing things that I created over the summer and early fall. I have some posting dates in December, so watch for new items then. 

Here is a peek at a few of my VERY favorite fall-themed items from G45.

This one is not really fall-themed, but the colors are sort of fall-ish. Plus, I love this card!

And last, but not least, I have decided to stay on with WorldWin Papers for now. I have a bunch of work to post and they have asked me to stay. I will wait until after the holidays and see if I think I can continue, as my term is up the end of December. Visit the WW Blog to see what I am posing for November and December.

All that to design team days are uncertain. I am going to wait until January to decide what my next step will be. I hope and pray that by then I will know what I can handle and what I should do about my design work. I hope you will hang with me for a bit!

Thanks for the support and the prayers!


  1. Hugs, my friend. Difficult decisions to say the very least. Praying for a speedy recovery so you are able to play at your craft once again.

  2. Oh Gloria, I can only imagine how difficult it has been for you to say goodbye to your design teams. Hugs and continued prayers. Thank You for sharing your art work-always inspirational, as is your spirit and strength.

  3. Gloria, prayers of healing for you so that you can return to making the beautiful creations you so enjoy! You have been an inspiration to me since I found your blog. God bless!

  4. Hope that this break will help you recover faster and be able to return to DT work when you are ready... And in whatever capacity you are ready. Your creations are always an inspiration. Wish you the very best!

  5. Sending you best wishes for a very speedy recovery.

  6. Sending you best wishes for a very speedy recovery.

  7. I know this is hard for you but I also know it is the right decision as you can get back to full health again quicker and this is my wish for you. I shall miss you like everyone else so hurry and get well and healthy again. Take care and God Bless...
    Love ~ Lady Anne xx
    Lady Anne's

  8. So difficult, but you must do this to get better. I have no doubt that you will be back designing your fabulous creations soon. Love!

  9. thinking of you my friend.


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