
Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Tribute

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. ~ John 15:13

I want to pay tribute to my father and my four brothers today. All served in our country's  military.

My dad served his country in the US Army and was a WWII vet. Pop passed away July 1997. I miss him every day, especially his wisdom, even the horribly funny and inappropriate bits! That man had a way with words! 

As you can see from this layout of my siblings and me, all four of my brother's served their country. Don, Larry, and Richard were in the US Navy (Don and Larry are Vietnam vets). Todd served in the US Army. We lost Todd July 2010, and a day does not go by when I don't think of him. He was taken from us too soon. My brother Rex was also taken too early. I never got to know him, but he is with our Lord, and safe and free of pain.

My family is true red, white, and blue. I am proud of my father and my brothers. They have my gratitude and my love.

Thank you to all of our men and woman in uniform, who serve our country every day. May God bless and keep you.

ETA: I want to add a note of thanks to my nephew,  Bill who served in the US Army Reserves and to my Uncle Bruce who was a career Marine. I did not mean to forget you! All my love!


  1. What a legacy! Very well executed.

  2. What beautiful layouts, a lovely family, and your card is great too!!!

  3. Here is another example of why I'm so smitten with your work! Wonderful layouts and I love your card!

  4. What a wonderful tribute to your family and I thank them for serving for our country. Great layouts, your work is amazing and also love this card. TFS

  5. Beautiful post, my friend! Hugs!!!!
