Thursday, December 17, 2009

Catching Up

Hello folks! I've been out of commission for the past few days with a cold. I'm still pretty sick, but wanted to get some cards up before I had too many to post! Even when I'm sick I cannot stay out of my studio. However, anyone receiving the cards made recently may want to wear a hazmat suit to open them! I feel like Typhoid Gloria! My oldest son is ill too, and he still has finals this week! He also had to play for Advent service at church last night. Poor kid. He composed his own version of "Silent Night" and played accompaniment for my husband who sang a solo. Nathan did rest enough to play last night, and I was told they were WONDERFUL, but I had to miss it as I was just too sick to attend church.

At any rate, here are some cards and the challenges they match. Go easy on me as I was zonked on cold meds most of the time!

Card #1
This card is for the Our Creative Corner/Stamps and Smiles sketch challenge that was actually due yesterday. (SASSC44). I did not get my photo taken until this morning, so it's too late for the challenge. However, I wanted to show this adorable KLM Digital Designs image! Kathryn sent this too me as my "welcome to the team" goodie when she announced that I made the DT.

This was my second try at coloring this image. I used colored pencils the first time and did not care for it, so I switched to markers. It's still not that great, but...I was sick of trying. I ended up using some liquid applique on Santa's fur trim. I found three tubes of that stuff in my stash! (Why? Seriously. I have an issue with hoarding!)

I really think I need some better coloring tools. If anyone from Copic or Prismacolor is out there reading this...I am happy to use any free product you care to send me! (Do you think they got the hint???) The paper is K&Company. I punched the snowflakes out of a sparkly bit and added the tiny pearls. The sentiment is SU. I also did some faux stitching with a red glitter pen.

Card #2
This next card is for the Practical Scrappers Friday Sketch. I think they really mean for us to use these sketches for scrapbooking, but I have no page layouts in me right now. So I flipped the sketch and made a card instead. I used this cute Stamps and Smiles digi that I won in their blog hop last week!

I don't know who makes the word paper I used. It's got a pearl shine to it. The strip of red is Doodlebug.

I colored this stamp with pencils and added some glitter pen here and there. The holly gems are Recollections.

Card #3
This next card is for the
365 Cards Day 290 - Tuesday Trio. (Bet you thought I was not playing along this week!) The trio we were to use was: button, blossom, chipboard. I used this super cute (and FREE) image from Simple Doodles. I colored him with markers and added some picket fence Stickles to his hat.

My blossom is from a stem of flowers I got at the craft store. I love the vintage feel of it. The button is Buttons Galore, and the chipboard sentiment is from Making Memories. It's more of a "file folder" thickness, but...good enough for government work!

This challenge also fits the Pile it On challenge #28, which was to use chipboard. I want you to notice my Labels Nestie frame around the snowman. See how thin the mat is? Well, I learned here how to do that! It took me some trial and error since I use a Big Shot, but I finally got it. However, I forgot to write down what "sandwich" I used so now have to trial and error all over again! Drat!

Card #4
Ok, this is a tag, not a card. This is for
365 Cards Day 291 - Card Recipe. We were supposed to use: 1 gift tag, 1 ribbon, 8 jewels or pearls, 1 sentiment (stamped or not), 1 piece of printed paper, and 2 buttons. That's it. No other stamping! No other embellies!

I attached this super cute Dream Street paper to a tag and edged it with some pink chalk ink. Then I added a tiny stamped sentiment mini tag - so I guess I cheated and used TWO tags! The stamp is Studio G.

Are you loving those buttons?! Those are my SPECIAL Australian buttons! My cyber pal Jessica sent them to me for a Christmas gift! All the way from Down Under! How sweet is that! (I also got a little pkg from my other cyber pal, Michele all the way from snowy Canada! My dh asked me, "How do you know all these people and why are they sending you stuff?!")

I added the pearls to this yummy pink velvet trim! Doesn't that look amazing together?!

Card #5
Last card! This one is for today at
365 Cards - Day 292- Ad Inspired. Amy gave us a marvy add showing lots of Christmas stockings. And since I also wanted to enter this card in a few other challenges...this is what I came up with.

I used Basic Grey Eskimo kisses paper, from a 6x6 pad that I got at CropStop. I did some begging to get Haylie Jo to sock the paper pads. She hates when I whine and cry, so she ordered the paper! The stocking is a naked chipboard piece from Cosmo Cricket. A few years ago, I decided I needed 2 full sets of those chipboard pieces. (Again, why?!)

I added some tiny pearls to the top of the stocking. The sentiment is Papertrey Ink. The border punch is Martha Stewart. That's Martha's bakers twine on the stocking. But I forget where I got the white twill.

This card also matches these challenges:
Our Creative Corner - Holiday
Pile it On - #28 chipboard
Stampin' Sisters in Christ - bling

It's now 9:36am and I already need a big ole nap! Send me some "feel better" prayers as I have a lot to do! Thanks for stopping by. I love all your comments!!


  1. The card are all so cute! I like that stocking you made and the pearls are a great touch of bling across the cuff. So very cute! Thanks for participating in the Stampin' Sisters in Christ challenge this week!

  2. Hey Typhoid Gloria!!! typed it and I just cut/pasted it:) Thanks for playing with me today...sheesh, even sick you know how to have fun:)

    Love all of your cards..

    Take care of yourself sista!!!!

  3. Super cute cards!!! I'm looking at playing with him too. Thanks so much for sharing him and all of your other work!!!

  4. WOW Gloria, you've been busy busy busy, and each one is sooo FABULOUS!! Love them all. Love all the BLING on these! :) Thank you so much for entering this last one in our BLING IT UP challenge this week at Stampin' Sisters in Christ Challenges!! (I ♥ pearls!) Great job!

  5. So many lovely cristmascards! Love your turn on my sketch at Practical Scrappers. Love it. Thanks and merry christmas.

  6. I am sitting here with my mask on so I don't get your germs :0)~ I can't breath in this thing so will make it quick! lol
    So sorry your so sick :0( and you had to miss church. Well have them play and sing for you as a comand performance!!
    **if this is your "sick" work then I need some of that cold medican! the first one is awesome with that liquid applique. very proud of you for using some of your stash! *wink*
    Oh i love the second card!!! *seriously i do* :0) your coloring is perfect to me and the holly and berries are fantastic (did you swipe them form me?? LOL)
    don't you just love this snowman?? very pretty card and i never heard of picket fence much to learn.....
    thanks for the link i will try it as i love how your frame is made :0)
    super cute tag! i need to come for lessons on using buttons!! (i totaly cheated on mine! shhh don't tell Pam) *wink* Tell your dh it is due to your "charming" personality!!!
    all i have to say on the last card is.......Sweet Mother of Pearl (that's a quote from Amy)!!! :0)
    well now i need to get some cleaning (yuk!) done. you know hairless cats are looking better and better all the time! lol rest and get well my friend :0)

  7. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Wow!!! even though you have been sick you did a great job with all those cards, I hope you feel well soon!!

  8. If that what you make when you're sick... All of your cards are so so beautiful!
    by the way, for the faux stiching there is a challenge here., so you can enter your card there if you like. :)

    and most important - GET WELL SOON, you and your son.

  9. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Nice cards! They are so beautiful! I think I should do something before Christmas like this one. Merry Christmas!
    kitchen tables

  10. Very nice take on Ann-Katrin's sketch. I think it works both for cards and pages!

  11. Gloria dear, I hope you feel much better.
    Congrats on your winning at OCC!!! maybe, just maybe, illness brings something good...
    hugs and get well soon!

  12. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Gloria these are so wonderful. I am so glad that you took the time to post them even though you have been under the weather.

    Thanks for adding your last card in our challenge at SSCC.

  13. These are all amazing thanks so much for playing!

  14. Super cute cards, again!!! Thanks so much for playing along with PIO.


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