My Studio

November 2021 Studio Tour - NEW HOME

October 2019 Studio Tour

Click HERE for the blog post.

Click HERE for the video tour.

For older tours and photos:

Click the links below to see some of my storage solutions!

This is what my desk looks like when I am in full CREATE mode!


  1. It always warms my heart to see a messy design area. That's how I work best. ;-)

  2. Love it! Exactly what a studio should look like!

  3. You can't truly be creative and neat at the same time. I LOVE to see another creative person's "mess".

  4. A space that looks like mine when I am creating. Nice!

  5. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Thanks so much for the inside look at your studio when you're creating! Mine looks exactly the same! I start out with it looking great but it always ends up in a huge mess when I'm finished! I love all of your samples! You're exceptionally talented! TFS!

  6. You can't possibly imagine how comforting it is to me to see someone else's workspace looking like that! I craft in my dining/living room and my stuff is in boxes and shelves covering the 2 tables ALL the time. I have a very patient husband!!

    I just measured my actual workspace: 10 inches at the curved end of a round table that is 34 inches wide. I am constantly having to lay my 12X12 papers partly under my computer that is nearly always on with a movie (that I have seen before so I don't have to watch it to know what is going on!) while I craft. I have it propped up with a scotch tape dispenser so I can put things underneath it! Talk abt cramped!!!

    Our house is still under construction (about 1/3 done) and so there is hope that eventually I might have a better place to craft and my hubby and son might be able to eat at a table again! Ha.
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  7. It is so refreshing to learn that my craft room looks like yours when I am in "creating" mode.! Thanks for sharing.

  8. all those lovely things to use on your desk makes you want to start creating

  9. Mr.Car and I are always struggling with my chasos.He often asks me to "whip up" a card for someone... but hates the road to creation. :). I am visual, and need to see choices. I just traded my plastic 12x12 cases for a CM metal paper stand. Thank you for sharing you desk. I don't feel alone..

  10. A messy room is a sign of a creative person! At least that is what I keep telling to see that you also love to make a mess when creating!

  11. There is a Bermuda Triangle in my craft room where things vanish into... Do you have such an issue too? Like the blingy crown I bought for my daughter's birthday card which to this day is no where to be found!

    1. Yes. My Vanishing Spot spits out the lost item approx. 10 seconds AFTER I re-purchase it! ;)

  12. Hello
    how nice to see that the Masters also have a creative mess and objects that disappear in the same way. And in such a small space large works and small works come to the world. Joanna Polska


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