Monday, September 27, 2010

365 Cards Day 211

Ok, it's Monday! Time again for a 365 Cards challenge! We have a sponsor this week - Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps. The DT each got one of these super cute stamps to play with. I received Traveling Josh. The Monday challenge Pam gave us is to use 3 Ts - Teal, Travel, Torn Paper. This is what I made.

I knew I had to get TEAL in there, so worked with getting the papers first. I ended up using this very cool paper from Echo Park. This is not normally a paper style that I purchase, but it came as part of my September Apron Strings Designs kit. And it was just sitting quietly on my desk. Plus it had some teal in it, so I used it!

I colored little Josh with Copics. I did try to pick some colors from the paper, but I did not want it too matchy matchy. Since Josh is a little traveling guy, I added the ticket stamp greeting from Papertrey Ink. (And, man he was hard to color! Such tiny details!)

So that's teal and travel....but I had to work in torn paper! I managed to tear one of the panels - after I put the card together, I had to take it apart and add the torn paper. I forgot! But, it worked ok in the end.

I used some Basic Grey on the one front panel and again on the inside of the card. I turned this into a birthday card using another Papertrey Ink stamp. And that's another challenge down! Bring it on, Pam! {Oh, please don't let her read my blog today! If she does, I am so toast next week!}


  1. LOL going to make sure Pam reads this!! *wink wink*
    you did fantastic with the challenge girl :)
    next time paper piece him! *ducking for cover* lol

  2. Your card is just darling!

  3. You did an awesome job, super cute!!



  4. I love this card. Again I am amazed at your coloring.


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