Sunday, April 28, 2013

Crafting for Life Workshop Tutorial Now Ready!

Happy Sunday! I have a tutorial link for all of you, just in case you wanted to work on a project!

Last Saturday, at the Crafting for Life event, I taught 35 ladies how to make a vintage-style accordion book! I had one class in the morning and one in the afternoon! (That's me standing, wearing a green sweater and a pink apron. 

This was a charity event, so all food, supplies, class kits, time, talent, etc. was donated! Each student paid a $50 fee for the day, which included all workshops, three meals, refreshments, goodie bags, prizes, and more! (My class alone would have cost $35 if taken at a scrapbook store! And there were a number of workshops to chose from!) All the money raised went to benefit the Pregnancy Resource Center of Vista, CA. We raised $12,277 to save babies! Amen!

This is the cover of the mini album. If you want to download and print step-by-step, full color directions for making this book, please click HERE.

The mini is 6x6 and has four pages and we decorated all eight panels.

Yes, we decorated both sides of the book!

Here is a shot of the tables before we started. Each student got a full kit and all supplies needed to make the book.

Here are my helpers for the day, Karen and Wanda. They are dear friends and spent the day helping me with the class. They, plus a few other friends also helped me cut all the parts that made up the kit! What a job. We made 50 kits! 

Here are a few of my sweet students! Yes, that is me in the green. Sorry for the blurry photo.

Apparently, I teach with my eyes closed. Must be from all those years of homeschooling! Look how busy and serious they all are!

This was a table of mega-crafters! Many of the gals were NOT paper crafters, and I was so proud of them. They all FINISHED the project in the 2 hour time limit! But this table, they were all scrapping vets!

Here I am with my winning raffle tickets! I did win a lovely amethyst necklace! woohoo! See my big ole bag of Copics? {wink}  

Thanks to Graphic 45, WorldWin Papers, Really Reasonable Ribbon, and Hampton Art Stamps for sponsoring this event with their generous donations! And a special thanks to my friends Karen, Wanda, and Pat, and my daughter Laura for helping prepare the kits. Thank you also to my husband for his financial support of the event. Most of all, thank you to my Lord and Savior for keeping these women and their babies cradled in His loving arms. I am blessed to have given my helping hands to this cause.


  1. WOW Gloria, how awesome that you did so well!!! Congrats!!!!

  2. What a great event and wonderful project!!

  3. Way to go!!! We are big supporters of our local Pregnancy Care Center. What a blessing to support a group that is saving those innocent lives. It's a sad and shameful state our nation is in when the most dangerous place to live is in a mother's womb. Keep up the Godly work, Gloria. Your efforts have eternal rewards!

  4. Way to go!!! We are big supporters of our local Pregnancy Care Center. What a blessing to support a group that is saving those innocent lives. It's a sad and shameful state our nation is in when the most dangerous place to live is in a mother's womb. Keep up the Godly work, Gloria. Your efforts have eternal rewards!

  5. Gloria, how wonderful that you raised so much money for such a worthy cause. We support our local pregnancy center each month. They do such wonderful work to save the lives of these sweet babes! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  6. nice to see the super mom in action teaching a class,,,,,, oh the prep work before a class, no one knows till they walk in those shoes!!! nice green shirt!!!

  7. What a great day. Loved seeing photos of you in action. Thanks a million for the deets on the's gorgeous!


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