Thursday, October 30, 2014


This is my second post today, so if you wish to see my Crafty Secrets project, click HERE. And why wouldn't you want to go see that project?! {grin}

For those of you who wished me well on my Heartfelt Creations position yesterday (read that HERE), I thank you! I am so humbled by the outpouring of good wishes and sweet comments!

I have another HUGE announcement today! I have been asked to become a Market Contributor: Vintage Creations for Canvas Corp Brands (Canvas Home Basics, 7 Gypsies, Tattered Angels).

This is an amazing opportunity for me to work within all three Canvas Corp product brands while leading the way in new ideas, techniques, and styles for the vintage market. I will be able to share more about my position in a few weeks. Canvas Corp will make a formal announcement about the new teams in December, but they have allowed us to share our good news with our Readers!

My long time Readers know that I have worked with 7 Gypsies as well as Canvas Corp and Tattered Angels products as part of my past design team work for Hampton Art. I am a huge fan of their product lines and am overjoyed to be able to work in this new capacity!

Below are a few of my creations where I've used one or more of the Canvas Corp Brands products.

This was a photo shoot that I did for a catalog and for use in Michaels Crafts stores.

And another image from the photo shoot. My work and my photos were used in banners and a catalog a few years ago when these products were being place in Michaels stores.

Thanks for stopping by today! I have one more piece of FANTASTIC news to share...but I am not able to spill the beans yet. {insert evil laugh here}

Have a great weekend, and if you are going Trick-or-Treating with your kids tomorrow night, please be careful.


  1. Congratulations! You sure deserve all these good things happening to you! Love your work! Hugs!!

  2. Congratulations Gloria, you are going to be one busy gal. But oh what fun, will anxious to see all your new projects. That is if I can get your blog, it hasn't been coming through for sometime. I came from Facebook today.

  3. Congrats, Gloria. That is so wonderful and they are so fortunate to have someone so talented as you! L

  4. More congratulations on another great piece of news. Now do I really have to wit for the third announcement? I kept that first secret so well. LOL

  5. congrats to you Gloria. Your works are always amazing and stunning.

  6. She's back!!!!! Glad to see these opportunities coming your way, Gloria!

  7. Congratulations Gloria! This sounds like such fun working with these fabulous companies. You're a perfect addition to their team.

  8. Congratulations, Gloria! I am so happy for you! Hey, I have a few of those stamps! And you know I just loved that I Love Lucy layout! You are going to be such an asset to the team!


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