Monday, December 17, 2012

Sketch Tutorial

Visit the Crafts 'n things Blog and see a sketch tutorial!

Take a stroll over to the CNT Blog to see how to create a card based on one of my original sketches!

Plus, we are announcing the WINNERS of the prize packs from Graphic 45.

Make sure you sign up for CnT Weekly, and check out the new Online features and Aps!

Crafts 'n things is an amazing magazine, published six times a year. They publish ALL sorts of crafts, from card making to sewing, to beading, to everything in between! They have print AND digital access! Subscribe HERE.


  1. I saw your sketch & tutorial - i have never thought to do a sketch first, i just try laying different components until i think it'll work. I thought my cards were ok. Not so sure now, having seen this post... TFS, Caroline :)

  2. Many many thanks for the link and the sketch. The card you made is so beautiful. But then all the items you make.I have sub'd to the Craft site. Thank you.
    Merry Christmas.

  3. Another beautiful card! Thanks for the sketch & the tutorial.

  4. Wow! I can use some sketch inspiration and will hop right over and check it out:)


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