Sunday, December 07, 2014

Glitter Mania!

I did something yesterday that I have not done in a very long time! I took a craft class! I am sure that the last time I took a class was when I was certified for Intermediate Copic, almost three years ago! 

My dear friend Lori McCausland, of Scrapping with a Twist, teaches classes in my area, and I decided to take her Mixed Media Canvas class. Here is what I made!

I had a blast, getting all messy! I learned a few tips and tricks for creating mixed media projects. Lori helped me refine my technique a bit. And she was not upset that I colored WAY outside the lines!

As you can see, my project looks nothing like the class example! I listened to the techniques, and then used the kit and made my own creation. I purchased a few extras in the class boutique to add to my canvas. There were tons of fun Prima products to play with.

I ended up adding a few "unadorned" elements to my project to make it....more interesting. I love the mix of painted items next to the unpainted. I I do love the tiny glass beads that I added from my own stash.

I had to add a bottle of glitter. Lori was kind enough to pour some into my little bottle. She's a peach! And I added a clock. You know me! {giggle}

My letters are painted and also covered with a layer of Glossy Accents. 

The flowers were velvet! But once I covered them with gesso and ink, they look totally different. These embellishments were all colors and styles. But with the gesso, they all look like they match, and they add great texture and dimension. But the "G" peeking out is totally naked...without paint or ink!

If you can see...I wrote "I Love Glitter." on the canvas. My friends laughed because it is a big fib. They all know that I don't love glitter, and...

They also know I hate to have messy hands! {giggle} I think I am still washing off a layer of matte gel medium and paint! 

Hard at my messy space! I had a 6" table to myself and you can see I am working in about 8x8 inches of space! Why to I crowd myself so much?! The venue was at a local Courtyard Marriott and it was great! Close to home and plenty of space, plus a place to plug in a heat tool and an Ott light!

Katrina Hay, Jacquie Southas, Gloria Stengel, Tanya Wilson

Here I am with some of my peeps! We really had fun. And if you look closely you can see that they colored a bit out of the lines, too! {wink} The class was approximately 16-20 people. That is a lot of ladies gettin' messy! You can see a bit of the Scrapping With a Twist boutique behind us. Lots of fun goodies!


  1. Oh, this is fabulous! I so want to make one of these! I love the blues and all of your bits and bobs are perfect. Umm ... you don't like glitter? Really? I love glitter, especially at Christmas time. Fabulous project, my friend. Love the pix with the "messy" hands!

  2. When I first saw your picture, I knew were having fun, why does IN not have any good scrap places, I would have loved to take that clas and your project is great, love all the blue.

  3. Gloria, I absolutely LOVE how your project turned out! AND, I LOVE it when my students "color outside lines". I just lay the foundation and give you options, the rest of the creative process is all you! Oh, and thanks for the shout out:) I really love teaching and can't wait for the next event in January!

  4. This is so beautiful, Gloria!. I can tell you had fun. I've been having so much fun with mixed media lately too, and I think the best part is the getting inky!

  5. Gloria, you made me wish that I was in on this class too! Love your projects! I would love to take a mixed media class.

  6. Oooh they look fabulous! Makes me want to get my hands all gesso'ed up!!

  7. It was such a great class...sooo many techniques and soooo much glitter...It was good seeing some "old" faces I had not seen in a while...yours turned out great...hope to get together soon.

  8. How fabulous!! I had to come see your mixed media project when I saw it over on FB. You should do more of this!! Glad you had a blast at the class!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

    Garden of Grace

  9. Wow, they were too much fun!


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