Saturday, October 13, 2018

Really Reasonable Ribbon October Blog Hop

Welcome to the Really Reasonable Ribbon October Blog HopYou should be coming to my blog from the Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog. (For the complete blog list, scroll to the bottom of the post.) After visiting me, hop over to the spectacular Ginny's Blog next!

At the end of the hop, comment on the RRR Blog post, answering the question listed, for a chance to win the October Ribbon Club Assortment shown below. (The Design Team appreciates your comments, too!)

The October Ribbon Club Assortment is called Christmas Assortment. If you are a long-time reader, you will remember that October is always the month for the Really Reasonable Ribbon Christmas Assortment! This year we have a traditional red/white/green assortment! I love the traditional colors! 
I sure love Christmas, and vintage Christmas decor is my "thing"! I made a 6" x 6" home decor panel, but you could make a card instead. I was thinking it would be fun to have a bunch of these chipboard panels to decorate various shelves and tables of my house. If I can only find time to make more of them! 
I used Authentique Nostalgia papers, because they are so very vintage! I wrapped a 6" x 6" piece of thick chipboard with the reindeer paper. I then wrapped the Red Shimmer Satin Ribbon around as if wrapping a package. I then used more paper to cover the back of the panel to hide the messy bits.

I matted the image, cut from the same paper, with black cardstock. I then wrapped a 4 1/4" x 3 1/4" piece of chipboard with some striped paper and attached the image to the chipboard. That makes this project a bit more dimensional than if it was just a card. 
I cut a doily from white mulberry paper and then cut a large snowflake out of white glitter paper. I stacked these die cut shapes to make a background for my ribbon and flower cluster. 

I crated bows with the Emerald Gingham Ribbon and the Red and White Houndstooth Ribbon. I glued the ribbons to the panel and then added flowers and other holiday do-dads. I brushed a bit of glitter over the whole area.  

Thanks for looking! Now, hop over to Ginny's Blog to see what she has for you!

Here is the RRR Blog Hop Order in case you get lost!


Gloria - YOU ARE HERE!

PS - I am asking for prayers for my amazing daughter who just had her 23rd birthday, and is off to Israel today with her grandmother for a 10-day tour. When she gets home again she will be moving back to San Jose and starting her new job (November 5th)! I am so thankful that she will be able to come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I won't have many weeks to miss her! 

Trims: Really Reasonable Ribbon September Ribbon Club (
Red Shimmer SatinEmerald Gingham, Red and White Houndstooth)
Printed paper and stickers: Authentique Nostalgia
Cardstock: WorldWin Papers Black
Mulberry and glitter paper: source unknown
Glitter: Sparkle and Sprinkle Waterscape
Rusty bell: craft supply
Tree: Tim Holtz
Berries: floral supply
Pin: Maya Road
Flowers: Wild Orchid Crafts
Dies: Cheery Lynn Designs French Pastry Doily, Spellbinders 2010 Snowflake Pendant
Chipboard: Grafix
Adhesive: white glue, hot glue, ATG tape


  1. Absolutely gorgeous!!

  2. Praying for your daughter and YOU!
    The card/project is wonderful. Youre right, it would be great to make several pieces for around the house.

  3. This home decor panel is so delightful. Love the RRR "nosegay" embellishment with this vintage paper. tfs

  4. This vintage inspired card is stunning. I love the little tree attached to the bow.

  5. Love these traditional colors of Christmas. cute little ticket!! Lovely project!

  6. I really, really love this!! Going to have to steal you idea 😉

  7. prayers for your daughters safe travels... you card is beautiful!

  8. Beautiful project! Love the embellishments with the pretty ribbons, and the addition of the cute tree!

  9. Wonderful vintage decor. I like the ribbon cluster.

  10. Totally over the moon gorgeous work! Oh my goodness I am draw to the doily and the embellishments flood it with JOYFUL work - love love this layout TFS

  11. Praying for your daughter. I know you will feel better once she is back home. Now matter how old they are you will always worry. That's part of being mom.

    1. Thanks! With kids 26 (nearly 27), 23, and 18 - with only one living here full time - the nest is decidedly empty and....I am not sure how much I like it. ;)

  12. I love, love vintage too, and your project is beautiful!

  13. Love this panel I'm a vintage gal as well love the image you chose to use and all the papers for layering.
    I will keep you, your daughter and all who love your daughter in my prayers. I have a 27 year o!d daughter my only child. We are very close so I understand your feelings. I hope you will be able to spend the holidays with your precious girl. May God bless her and keep her safe on her journey tfs.

    1. Thank you! My daughter and I have a wonderful relationship now that she's an adult. I really miss her and while I am happy for her travels and for her life in another city, I REALLY miss her! My almost 27 yo son lives an hour away and the 18 yo son still lives here full time, but there is only so much computer game and role playing talk I can stand to listen to. LOL

  14. Beautiful. Love these papers. Time to add some to my inventory.

  15. Congrats to you daughter. Enjoy her while you can! This is just beautiful! Love the cluster!

  16. Beautiful card, my friend! Love your flower cluster!

  17. So festive - just makes it feel like Christmas - love everything about it!


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