Wednesday, February 09, 2022

A New Year, A New Start

Hello, Crafting and Coloring Friends! Can you believe we are in 2022 already?! We had a bumpy start to the year. It started out great with the pool construction getting under way.The crews came on January 4th and began the process. They dug the hole and shaped the pool.

They have also run plumbing, electrical, and gas lines. The pool equipment looks like a Star Wars droid party! They will be building a wall to hide all that mess! Eventually...
They sprayed the concrete stuff... Matt has to water it 3x a day for two weeks to cure the concrete. That job ends the end of this week! Then they will do the tile and coping I think! It is really moving along! We should be swimming by Mother's Day, if not before! Baring any unforeseen circumstances!\

So we were happily going along and...then, WHAM, my husband and I both came down with COVID. My husband was really sick for a few days, then recovered. I has mildly sick for about three weeks! We are thinking the vaccines kept us from getting super sick, but who knows, really? I am doing better, so I am here in the studio making plans for the year! Finally! 

I have missed all of you. I have missed posting content on the blog and my YouTube channel. (To check out my YT channel click the little button on the right, under "How to Find Me.") I have also "decommissioned" my FaceBook business page and started a crafting group called "Craft Create Color with Gloria." You can click the FB button over there on the right to get to the group and join in. We are going to try the group, but if it becomes a nightmare to all know what will happen! Yep....I will delete it! {shrug}

As for the content going forward, I have told you that I am no longer doing design team work. I have no plans at this time to go back to design teams, at least for now. I am going to do some of the things I have wanted to do on the blog, such as sharing some older product that needs love (and that I know y'all have in your stashes). 
50 Autumn Mandalas by Kameliya Angelkova

I also want to keep focusing on my adult coloring as well. I have a lot of coloring projects that I have worked on during COVID quarantine and lock-down which I have not shared! I will be working on those posts and maybe some videos!  

I am going to keep the blog and YouTube as free content and non-monetized. I just don't want to deal with trying to monetize everything. However, I will (hopefully) also be adding paid content in the form of digital downloads (tutorials, digital stamps, and word art, etc.).  I want to start putting paper craft tutorials up on Etsy (or a similar site). Folks keep asking if I have a downloadable tutorial for this or that. Well, that is a lot of work. So, if there is a need for tutorials, I will create some downloads for a reasonable price and offer them up. {smile} 

I really want to share so many things, but taking such a long break from crafting and posting means a bit of a learning curve again! It could be a huge workload that I will have to see how I manage. I still have issues with migraines and joint pain, so I will do what I can do. 

Thanks for dropping by!

1 comment:

  1. Heya, Gloria!

    Great post! I'm looking forward to seeing what you add to your blog and YT. You've got a lot to give and to share (as I am living proof)!

    Also looking forward to the pool progression. Are Han, Leia, Luke and the droids stopping by soon? lol

    Just please take your time and stay well!

