Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Update and 2018 in Review

Hello, Crafters! I have a small update on my surgery. Tomorrow I will be 4 weeks post-op. I am doing well, so far. Still healing, still having some pain, still needing to take it slow and easy. But, the grafts seem to be holding and I am progressing along! I am adding small things each day, and slowly getting back to my life. I finally managed to get the Christmas tree and decor put away, with major help from my husband and younger son! (Mostly, I bossed them around from the couch and they did all the work!) I also managed to get my every day decor back in place! Slow and steady, with lots of rest wins the race! I see the doctor next week for my 5-week check up, but I don't expect any issues. 

Thanks for all of your comments and prayers! You may notice all my comments for the last 5-6 weeks have disappeared! I was trying to delete some SPAM (using my tablet rather than the computer), and accidentally deleted a bunch of legitimate comments. There was no way to retrieve them! ARRRGGGG! Technology! User error! 

Now, since I am not able to get into the studio yet, I thought you all may like to see a year in review of my favorite projects from 2018! they are! (To see the full project posts, click on the month.)

January: Set of Piggy Note Cards
My favorite project for January was this set of piggy note cards. I was trying my hand at coloring onto kraft paper with pencils and these turned out super cute. They were to be a gift for my sister...but they are still sitting here...patiently waiting! 
I love to create sets of note cards, but I don't do it very often. I hope to be able to do more of this type of project so I can donate some card sets to charity. 

February: Best Wishes Card
My favorite February project was this card I created for Heartfelt Creations. I used a layering technique to create a scene, plus I used flower soft to make the background flowers. I simply adore this sweet card. It is not in my normal "bag-o-tricks" but it was so fun to make!

March: Sun Kissed Mini Album
This project posted the last day of March 2018. I always love a mini album, and this one was a fun one to make! I used some mixed media techniques on the front cover, which is not something I do very often....because it's so messy!
The inside of the album is pure "Gloria" style! 

April: Sewing Mini Album
One of my favorite projects of the whole year was this sewing themed mini album. This one is actually an 8" x 8" mini. I loved working on something this size! It took loads of paper, but the end product was amazing! {If I do say so myself!}
I did a tutorial for the binding of this mini, but not a full tutorial. I want to make it again in 2019 and do a full tutorial. Stay tuned! 

May: Down on the Farm Mini Album
My favorite project for May is this country-style mini album. I had been saving the denim and the other fabrics for a special project, and this was the one! I loved making this book so much! (I see a pattern forming...I love making mini albums!)
Authentique Paper sends me the most wonderful papers to work with! I love every collection. 

Part of why I cut way back on my design team commitments was to ENJOY the process! I had really become so burned out on making, that I needed to take a step back! I am so happy that I did. I really have rediscovered my JOY again! Having just a few commitments a month means I can not only enjoy my DT work, but I also have time to create just for fun! What a concept!! {smile}

June: Graduation Cards
I always need masculine cards for my card stash. I created these two masculine graduation cards, and wouldn't you know, I only need feminine cards this year! But, these are in my stash for the future! 

July: Christmas in July Mini Album
I called this a giant mini album! It is a tri-fold mini with two waterfall features! And the paper...totally adorable! Retro vintage! Yum!
This is another project that I would love to find time to do a full tutorial for you. Fingers crossed!

August: Pop-up Card
I think this is my favorite card of the year! Not only do I love how the front turned out, with all the layers...but it's a pop-up card! 
This style of card is one part card, one part gift card holder, and one part scrapbook! I adore these vintage bathing beauties! And...distressed wood paper? Get out! 

I chose this as my favorite project for September, because one of my goals is to get back to coloring more! I love how this turned out! I am in awe of myself sometimes! {giggle}

October: Christmas Card
I did have two different Halloween projects that I liked, but this sweet Christmas card won for my favorite of October! I love the papers, the image, and the sweet bow I made! 

November: Christmas Layouts
I confess, I loved every project I made in November! It was a good month, creatively speaking! But, these amazing 12x12 page layouts stole the show! 

December: Poinsettia Panel
Because of my surgery, I did not make much in December. This coloring panel was my favorite thing of the month! I am still amazed that I was able to color such a velvety red! Sometimes I amaze myself, sometimes I look for my glasses when I am wearing them! 

So, that's my year in review! Let me know in the comments which of my projects is your favorite. Maybe you love one not on my list! 


  1. Thanks for all the reminders of the the wonderful stuff you did last year. 😘

  2. Thanks sooo much for the review here, all is just awesome, but I must confess, I have a soft spot for all your gorgeous minialbums too andalways love to see, which details you´ve build into every new one you share ha ha. And I´m also looking sooo forward to the last of your calendarprojects, which I´ll be soing as soon as I get it all, so I can see if I have enough paper to make it all as I wish to.
    Hope you´ll have a very speedy recovery and be back on your feet in no time and just feel fine then.

  3. Wow all your makes are stunning. I am sp pleased that you are recovering well from your operation. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  4. Your work is stunning! Glad you're feeling better. That was quite a surgery. Take care and rest as much as you can.

  5. Looking forward to all your great tutorials for such wonderful projects. Prayers and blessing for a full and speedy recovery.

  6. Always enjoy seeing a crafting year in review, Gloria, and this one is much to enjoy. Glad to hear the healing continues to go well. Be assured of my continued prayers.


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